The Economist, January 2014
The Economist, May 2014
Okwui Enwezor
Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2006
John J. Mearsheimer
Yale Workshop on International Relations, May 2011
Diane Mehta
BOMB Magazine – February 2013
Tomáš Rafa
Creative Time Reports, 2014
Sebastian Rosato
MIT Press Journal, Spring 2011
George Saunders
River Head Trade, 2005
Jonas Staal
e-flux, September 2014
Claire Bishop
Artforum, 2006
Bojana Cveji´c
Performance and Labour Symposium, 2014
Rosalyn Deutsche
The MIT Press, 1998
Stephen Duncombe
The New Press, 2007
The Art and Ideas of the Media Generation 1968-1986
RoseLee Goldberg
Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1988
Nástio Mosquito
Walker Art Center, 2014
Edi Rama
TED Talks, May 2012
Martha Rosler
Free Press, 1991
Edward Soja
Blackwell Publishers, 1996.
Kathleen Ditzig
BOMB Magazine, Summer 2014
Maria Lind
Sternberg Press, 2010
Andrea Phillips
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013
Nina Möntmann
EIPCP, January 2006
Edited by Nina Möntmann
Public Journal, Spring 2009
Nato Thompson
Creative Time Reports, 2014
Rebecca Bowe
Electronic Frontier Foundation, September 2012
Amy Goodman
Democracy Now!, April 2013
Geert Lovink
e-flux, April 2014
Birgitta Jónsdóttir
The Guardian, April 2012
Trevor Paglen
Creative Time Reports, June 2013
e-flux, September 2012
e-flux, October 2012
e-flux, December 2013
Multiple Authors, May 2009
The Economist, May 2010
Teddy Cruz
Creative Time Reports, November 2014
T.J. Demos
Duke University Press Books, 2013
Anthony Downey
Ibraaz, May 2013
Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Asymptote, March 2013
Kundan Kumar
Economic & Political Weekly, 2014
Elissa Jobson
The Guardian, December 2013
Ian Johnson
New York Times, June 2013
Nadia Mounajjed
Ibraaz, May 2013
Saskia Sassen
Truthout, July 2014
Saskia Sassen
Princeton University Press, 2008
Saskia Sassen
The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 2005
Philip E. Steinberg
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, June 2009