Michael Premo
Artist, cultural worker, and human- rights activist Michael Premo fights for those who risk displacement, such as families struggling to prevent foreclosures or hurricane victims rebuilding their communities. Premo is the co-director of Housing Is a Human Right (HHR), a creative storytelling project that explores the complex fabric of community and the human right to housing, land, and the dignity of a place to call home. Following Hurricane Sandy he helped launch the Occupy Sandy network and co- created Sandy Storyline, a participatory documentary film that collected and shared stories about the impact of Hurricane Sandy on neighborhoods and communities. The project won the Transmedia Award at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2013. Premo has also created, produced, and presented original works of art and media with theater companies including Hip-Hop Theater Festival, The Foundry Theater, The Civilians, Penny Arcade, Company One, and StoryCorps.
Why we love Michael Premo:
• Michael fights tirelessly for those who risk displacement, such as families struggling to prevent foreclosures or hurricane victims rebuilding their communities
• He brought the human impact of Hurricane Sandy to the forefront by creating a crowd-sourced narrative of more than 250 testimonials, winning awards at the Tribeca Film Festival
• Michael also launched an online community, the Occupy Sandy Recovery Network, to serve as a rallying point and sounding board for those affected by the storm