Marcus Neustetter
Marcus Neustetter explores the intersection between art, public space, science, and technology, acknowledging that “the process does not always resemble a purely artistic experience.” Instead, working in collaboration with diverse partners, Neustetter allows “the concept, the context, and the audience” to determine which approaches best fit with his artistic process. This multifaceted approach informed his project The Observatory in the Making, which brought together drawings, laser experiments, and community-based workshops that Neustetter implemented while researching the development of an observatory for artistic practice and exploration among international telescopes in Sutherland, South Africa. In partnership with Stephen Hobbs, Neustetter is the co-director of The Trinity Session a contemporary public art production company and in their collaborative capacity as Hobbs/Neustetter they have realized their artistic projects in public space throughout South Africa and internationally..
Why we love Marcus Neustetter:
• As an artist and activist, Marcus has produced projects in the public domain for the last two decades, drawing attention to site specificity in social and urban challenges
• He co-founded The Trinity Session, a company that has overseen the realization of more than 300 permanent public artworks, commissioned and facilitated in the cities of Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, and Durban
• Marcus is working to develop an artists’ observatory, set amidst the international telescopes in Sutherland, South Africa