Andrea Phillips
Director of Doctoral Research Program in the Department of Art,
Goldsmiths University of London
London, United Kingdom
Andrea Phillips lectures and publishes on the economic and social construction of publics and values within contemporary art. Her current projects include How to Work Together, a study of the organizational structure of three London art institutions and how it informs a debate on the politics of cultural production, as well as The Aesthetic and Economic Impact of the Art Market, an investigation into the ways the art market shapes artists' careers and public exhibition-making. Public Alchemy, the public program for the Istanbul Biennial 2013, organized with biennial curator Fulya Erdemci, sought to investigate how public space can be reclaimed as an artistic and political tool in the context of global capitalism. She most recently collaborated with Grant Wilson at Iniva, London, to explore the institutionalization of cosmopolitanism within curating and education as part of her Tagore, Pedagogy and Contemporary Visual Cultures Tagore