“Otherwise World Making: Queer Strategies


Pratt Institute School of Design | The Design Center
200 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205


Led by Aziz Sohail

This session explores queerness as at once a worldview, a mode of embodiment, and also a strategy that enables us to imagine the future otherwise. In this session, participants will be invited to read, discuss and co-dream potential futures shaped by queer perspectives, examining the successes and challenges within this framework and how they intersect with prior conversations from the weekend’s events.

Aziz Sohail is a Pakistani-passport holding curator and writer whose research and resultant projects honor and recognize the power of queer & feminist collectivity, sociability, joy and wayward encounter. Aziz is currently a PhD candidate in Curatorial Practice at Monash University, researching some of these questions in the context of South Asia and its diasporas.